Online education for Norwegian children abroad

The Global School is a flexible offering for families who want to keep in touch with Norway and the Norwegian school.

Learn about Globalskolen

elev som deltar i digital undervisning
What we offer
elev som deltar i digital undervisning

Globalskolen offers online education programmes in the subjects Norwegian, Social Science and CREE (Christianity, Religion and Ethics Education). The programme is aimed at Norwegian children of compulsory school age living abroad. The programmes are tailored to suit families who want to stay in touch with Norway and Norwegian schooling.

far som hjelper sønn med lekser
Everything you need to know
far som hjelper sønn med lekser

On this page we have gathered all necessary information about Globalskolen. You’ll find information about the curriculum, information about enrollment, organizing, individual feedback and how we conduct teaching for our students.

About us

Globalskolen is a pioneer in children’s online education. Globalskolen is owned by Volda municipality , and is a not-for-profit limited company. We work on assignment from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.

With you, wherever you are.

Flexible education for families who want to keep in touch with Norway and Norwegian schools.
The student receives weekly feedback from their contact teacher via text, audio or video.
We adapt our education for each student. Ordinary steps, Norwegian for multilingual or starting Norwegian.
Teaching is asynchronous and takes place digitally, via the Internet.


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Want to know more?

Do you have any questions about the school, education or anything else? Please contact us!

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