More and more children of compulsory school age attend parts or all of their primary and secondary school education in a different country than Norway. A typical example is when mum or dad takes an international job and chooses to bring the family abroad for a period.
There are very few countries where there are schools following the Norwegian curriculum. That means that students going to school abroad will lack education in important subjects like Norwegian, Social Science and Christianity, Religion and Ethics Education (CREE). These are the students we in Globalskolen want to serve.
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Supplementary education online
Globalskolen offers supplementary education in Norwegian, Social Science and CREE from 1st to 10th grade. This means that children who’ve been educated abroad can seamlessly rejoin the Norwegian school system when they return to Norway. Additionally, we offer training in Norwegian as a second or third language, adapted to the child’s linguistic starting point.
At Globalskolen, all education happens asynchronously online. We have a good education system through the online learning platform Canvas. All our programmes contain a strong focus on Norwegian culture, society and history. The programmes are tailored to suit families who wish to stay in touch with Norway and the Norwegian school system.
A pioneer in children’s online education
Globalskolen is owned by the four municipalities Volda, Sykkylven, Sande and Vanylven, and is a not-for-profit limited company. We work on assignment from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.
From a small start with 15 students in 1998, in 2019, Globalskolen had 1,350 students living in 105 different countries around the world. In the school year 2018/2019, a whopping 96% of registered students completed their courses.
Today, the school has 26 highly qualified employees with solid experience in online education. All our teachers live and work in Norway. We believe it benefits our students to stay updated on what is going on in Norway at any one time.
Globalskolen has been and remains a pioneer in children’s online education. We collaborate closely with the Norwegian academic communities and are at the forefront of developments.